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Poppy seeds contain plenty of iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium. The most important health benefits of poppy seeds include properties such as improving skin and hair health, boosting the immune system, protecting heart health, increasing female fertility, increasing blood flow, regulating digestion, and strengthening bones. Now, let’s take a closer look at what needs to be known about the benefits of poppy seeds for human health…

Some of the benefits of poppy seeds are:

* The most important benefit of poppy seeds is to prevent heart disease. The seeds contain linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid essential for heart health.

* Poppy seeds are sources of insoluble fiber that can aid digestion. It also increases stool volume and helps treat constipation.

* ‘Oleic acid’ and ‘dietary fiber’ found in abundance in poppy seeds helps to increase benign cholesterol by lowering the level of malignant cholesterol in the blood.

* Drinking poppy seed tea reduces cortisol levels in the body. This reduction in stress levels leads to a calming effect and helps you sleep.

Some studies suggest that poppy seeds may help heal mouth ulcers.

* The brain needs essential nutrients such as calcium, iron and copper minerals that are rich in poppy seeds. These minerals help regulate neurotransmitters and improve brain function. Poppy seeds can also reduce the risk of cognitive impairment.