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Family: Grainaceae (Gramineae). It is one of the most important cereals. The history of barley is very old. Paintings of barley are found in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and pyramids. The homeland of barley, which generally likes mild and hot climates, is Önasya. Although it is not as productive as wheat, it has an important place in grain production in the world because it can be grown in barren and infertile soils under different climatic conditions. The agricultural processes of barley are the same as for other poaches. Moreover, it grows in a shorter time and earlier.

Summer barley is usually planted in the spring in high and cold regions where summers are very short. Winter (Fall) barley is sown in autumn in low and temperate regions.

The cultivation area of barley is much larger than wheat. It grows at altitudes where wheat does not grow (2500 meters), as well as in places up to 70 ° north parallel. More yield can be obtained from wheat in strong and wet soils. That is why the villagers sow barley in their strongest fields and call these fields barley.